Livening up wall space with vinyl lettering and wall art

Andy Dewhurst

Walls are generally not very exciting in themselves. They serve an important purpose, and we paint them or cover them with wallpaper to make them more pleasing to the eye, but what if there was a way to add a truly unique touch without requiring artistic talent? This is where vinyl lettering and wall art can help, both for businesses and in the home.

What is vinyl lettering and art?

With vinyl lettering, you choose the text you want, along with the font, colour, size and effects. At Lettering Direct, we then individually cut each letter from a sheet of high-quality vinyl and pre-space it on a transfer sheet. Many people mistakenly believe they need to hire an expensive professional to design and install wall lettering, but with vinyl lettering, it’s easy to design and install yourself, saving yourself a considerable sum in the process.

The same applies to wall art, except that it’s not limited to just letters. Even though vinyl wall art is generally limited to a single colour, it can still create stunning graphics and even likenesses of iconic figures like John Lennon and Audrey Hepburn.

Which walls are suitable for vinyl lettering?

For a wall to accept vinyl lettering, it needs to be smooth and clean. For example, textured walls or those with rustic plastering are clearly not going to work.

What can you express with personalised wall lettering?

In a home environment, you can express whatever makes you happy within the bounds of your imagination. For example, you may like to decorate your walls with some of your favourite inspirational quotes. You could also inject a touch of humour to your home if you feel so inclined. These are touches that can make a house truly unique, and that’s what a home is all about.

Businesses can also gain practical benefits from personalised wall lettering. A wall is typically a blank canvas that can be used to communicate with customers. For example, if you run a café, you could use your wall space to highlight your regular drinks or food menu. What’s more, because vinyl lettering can be individually swapped out, it would be easy to update it should your menu or prices change. You could also use wall lettering to express your brand ethos, such as how you use only the finest coffee sourced from certified fair-trade suppliers. This is just one example, and there will no doubt be similar opportunities in any retail space.

Even shared office spaces can benefit from custom lettering on their walls. Most office environments are drab and unexciting, and a little extra effort can affect how your employees feel about coming into work every day. In addition to adding a decorative element, you can use custom lettering to express motivational messages or reinforce the image you want your employees to project when dealing with customers.

With all the possibilities that come with personalised wall lettering, why let all that blank space go to waste?

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